Got Foot & Leg
Nerve Pain?

Got Foot & Leg
Nerve Pain?

Get Treatment Without Medications

Take control of personal pain without the use of debilitating medications. There is no surgery required. Learn about our new technology that allows you to take control of your peripheral neuropathy pain. We call it Peripheral Nerve Stimulation. (P.N.S.)

Wearable Wireless Technology

Nerve signaling research has created advanced new devices that can be worn for 2 to 4 hours a day to reduce nerve pain signals. (This is not a T.E.N.S. unit)

Trained Doctors

Our doctors have been trained in the use of this product and can demonstrate the procedure to you.

FDA-Cleared Technology

P.N.S. is an FDA Cleared Peripheral Nerve Stimulation device that disrupts the pain signals coming from your nerves.

Do You Have Questions?

Call: 1-833-676-5626
Set up your FREE Phone Consultation. Also, let us know a bit about your pain. One of our experts will be in touch with you.

Peripheral Nerve Stimulation

What Is P.N.S. ?

What Is P.N.S. ?

Peripheral Nerve Stimulation (P.N.S.) is advanced wireless technology to pulse a signal to your nerves, causing them to interrupt the pain signaling from your nerves to your brain. Watch our video to learn more.
  • Permanent treatment
  • Most insurance accepted
  • No surgery required
  • No unnecessary repeated Dr. visits
  • Lessen pain without medications
  • This is not a T.E.N.S. unit
  • No lasers
National Headquarters Neuropath Neuropathy Center Doctor Explaining Back Pain To Senior Patient
National Headquarters Wearing Peripheral Nerve Stimulator Before ExcerciseImage

What Our Patients Say

What Our Patients Said

Don’t take our word. See what’s our patients said about us.

I have been dealing with severe foot and ankle pain for about 10 years. I have wonderful doctors to help me treat my pain. We have tried so many different procedures, yes they helped with the pain but unfortunately the pain came back.

Then my wonderful doctor was talking about a new PNS Nerve Stimulation System. After talking with my doctor, we made the decision to go ahead and try it.

I'm so happy we did!! I have had great results!!! The procedure was short and easy with very little down time!! The system is so easy to use!!

I even use the system while doing light gardening and light cleaning around my house!! I even reduced some pain medication and now have a goal to be off pain medication. I now can look forward to a better quality of life!!!


Watch This Video

Watch This Video

Learn what Peripheral Nerve Stimulation is all about with our informative video.

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The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only.

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Consulting Hours

8 am to 6 pm on Mondays & Thursdays
8 am to 5 pm on Tuesdays
10 am to 4 pm on Wednesdays
8 am to 4 pm on Fridays

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