Understand Where to Start
There are “two sides to every story”, and the same could be said for patients dealing with diabetic symptoms. Many are unaware of how greatly diabetes can affect the nerve and the vascular system. Although there are many areas that can be targeted it is important to know these two main root causes, in order to see how we can treat, manage and prevent further problems.

How can we help you? / Treatment Options:
Although there are many areas that could be affected, we focus on these two main areas of function that could frequently cause burning, tingling, numbness and pain. In order to support and care for those suffering from peripheral neuropathy, peripheral artery disease and wound care.
Changing lives one step at a time to relief the pain and symptoms that can stem from various causes.
A few of our treatment options are listed down below to speak with one of our doctors about, and depending on the progression of the effected area:
Re-vascularization: restore & improve blood circulation
Medication: treat disease and assist in healing effects
Pulse Generator: a pulse stimulation that interrupts nerve pain signals
Wound Care: increase healing and prevent infections
Antibiotics, Amniotic fluid, Hypobaric Chamber, revascularizationFind the right doctor for you.
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